江门市新会区国家外贸转型升级基地(五金不锈钢制品)坚持走创新发展道路,打好“品牌+”“质量+”“标准化+”组合拳,加快推动外贸转型升级。 目前,基地聚集五金不锈钢制品企业193家,其中规模以上企业72家,产值1亿元以上企业12家,5亿元以上3家,10亿元以上1家。2019年工业产值67.08亿元,销售收入63.01亿元,进出口总值5.15亿美元;共获授权产品专利1095件;拥有自主品牌102个,在国(境)内外注册商标298个,企业在国(境)内外设立的自主营销和售后服务网络共176个,获境内外主要认证106个。其中, M.P.T.集团属下的日盈、日新两家不锈钢材料加工企业,年加工处理不锈钢材料16.5万吨,销售收入超过10亿元。

Xinhui District of Jiangmen National Foreign Trade Transformation and Upgrading Base (Hardware and Stainless Steel Products) adheres to the path of innovation and development, makes a good combination of "brand +", "quality +" and "standardization +" to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade. At present, the base has gathered 193 hardware and stainless steel products enterprises, including 72 enterprises above designated size, 12 enterprises with an output value of more than 100 million RMB, 3 enterprises with an output value of more than 500 million RMB, and 1 enterprise with an output value of more than 1 billion RMB. In 2019, the industrial output value was 6.708 billion RMB, the sales revenue was 6.301 billion RMB, and the total import and export value was 515 million US dollars; a total of 1,095 authorized product patents; 102 independent brands, 298 registered trademarks at home and abroad, and enterprises in the country A total of 176 independent marketing and after-sales service networks have been established at home and ab- road, and 106 major certifications have been obtained at home and abroad. Among them, Riying and Nissin, two stainless steel processing enterprises under the M.P.T. Group, process 165,000 tons of stainless steel materials annually, with sales revenue exceeding 1 billion RMB.

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